Sometimes i feel most of the problems in peoples life could have solved very easily if they had taken some time to relax their body and mind from the chaos. We all should realise one thing that there exist no man who live and work without tension, therefore it is all about how good you are in handing problems and tense situation.

First thing to do in a tense situation

  • Remain relaxed whatever the situation is
  • Breath deeply
  • Talk quietly
  • Speak sincerely
  • Be friendly and respectful
  • Hold temper
  • Trust and have hope in god

Find a peaceful place to sit and relax your mind and body before making a decision. Make sure you are very much comfortable with the place. For many people it would be their rocking-chair, sofa or bed while some people prefer to sit alone in a church or park. The secret is to keep the mind quiet. This can be achieved only if your mind have the ability to choose one thought over another. However, i feel it would be very difficult for an average person to control his/her thoughts(only a few succeed in doing this). And even if you do choose one thought over the other, it doesn't always change how you feel.

Therefore our greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one breath over another. This will always change how you feel. Breathing is a transformative tool. It allows us to feel what we didn't consciously choose to feel.


  1. Sit or lie down somewhere comfortable.
  2. Close your eyes, keep your hands open and free.
  3. Breath in through your nose for 4 counts.
  4. Hold your breath for 2 counts.
  5. Breath out through your mouth for 6 counts.
  6. Repeat steps.

A ten-minute exercise of deep breathing may help you become more focused, relaxed and less stressed. After getting your mind relaxed try to analyse the problem or situation. Next figure out all the possible solution to the situation and select the best solution out of it. Throughout the procedure always have trust and hope in god.

As the bible says "If you have faith as a grain of mustard seed.....nothing shall be impossible unto you."(Mathew 17.20) and "According to your faith, be it unto you."(Mathew 9.29)     

Always remember problems are temporary in life so never be disappointed in life rather always focus on the bright side of life.


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